1 min readSep 28, 2023

Sometimes you need a break from the world and time alone to reconnect with yourself again. Sometimes you need to hear just your own voice again to make sure you’re still in alignment. Because our inner voice tends to step back when it feels we have things under control and know enough to continue on. However, along the way, we may forget some things we’ve learned and need to be reminded. So, isolation is necessary sometimes but it’s never permanent. It’s just time for you to remember why you’re doing what you’re doing, to ask yourself if this is still something you want to pursue, or if there’s something that has happened along the way that cannot wait any longer to be addressed. It’s okay to need a break from the world and retreat to strengthen the connection with yourself again. There’s no need to feel that this retreat is defeat because it’s not, it never is — it’s just your time to reflect on where you are before you move forward again.